Who we are

The Coalition on Secure Technology is a campaign to raise awareness of the threat posed by Cellular IoT modules (CIMs).  

What we want

To raise awareness amongst the public, policy makers and politicians of the risks associated with this technology and our increasing dependence on Chinese suppliers and equipment.  

What are Cellular IoT modules (CIMs)

The term “cellular IoT modules” refers to electronic equipment that –

can transmit and receive radio signals from cellular networks​

are designed to be embedded as a component of a larger device or piece of equipment​

and enable the devices to be connected externally to other devices or systems, or to an internal server or system.

We want to raise awareness of the risks associated with our increasing dependence on Chinese suppliers and equipment.

Our people

Charles Parton OBE
Lead Expert

Charlie spent the majority of his diplomatic career working in or on China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

He was seconded to the EU Delegation in Beijing as First Counsellor, where he advised the EU and Member States on Chinese politics and internal developments. In 2017, he returned to Beijing as Adviser to the British Embassy to cover the Communist Party’s 19th Congress.

In 2017 he set up his own advisory company, China Ink, and was chosen as the UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee Special Adviser on China. He is an associate fellow at three tanks: the Council on Geostrategy, the Royal United Services Institute, and the Berlin-based Merics. 

Stewart McDonald Member

Stewart McDonald is SNP MP for Glasgow South and was SNP Spokesperson for Defence from 2017 – 2022. 

A strong voice on the challenges posed by China within Parliament, he is a member of the Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China and was targeted by Chinese state-sponsored cyberattacks in 2023. 

He previously sat on the Foreign Affairs Select Committee and maintains an active interest in defence policy, which he often covers in his column for The Scotsman. 

Dr Samantha Hoffman

Dr Samantha Hoffman is Managing Director of ANS Analytics LLC, an open-source intelligence company that combines deep subject matter expertise with data-driven solutions. Her work has helped shape global approaches to understanding challenges posed by the Chinese party-state’s national security strategy, and how the Party-state harnesses technology for security purposes.

She holds a PhD in Politics and International Relations from the University of Nottingham (2017), an MSc in Modern Chinese Studies from the University of Oxford (2011), a BA in International Affairs from State University (2010), and a BA in Chinese Language and Culture from Florida State University (2010).

Professor Jim Saker Member

Professor Saker is a leading expert in the automotive industry. He is a Professor of Retail Management at Loughborough University and President of the Institute for the Motor Industry.

He has been involved in the automotive industry for over 20 years and has sat on several government advisory panels.